Tuesday, March 18, 2014



Popular Article:
The Ecology of Tikal and the Surrounding Peten Region
 This article is about spectacular natural scenery and other attractions for Eco-tourism in Guatemala. Mainly in the Tikal city, located in Peten it is a mountainous regions, a lot of fauna. "The Peten is a huge, mostly lowland region (there are few sections with elevations greater than 500 to 600 meters, 1600 to 2000 ft) which, owing to several factors, until recently held only a small human population and, as a result, has retained much of its original forest cover".
Adventure Life. The Ecology of Tikal and the Surrounding Peten Region.The Ecotravellers' Wildlife Guide, (Academic Press, 1998). Available from:http://www.adventure-life.com/articles/tikal-peten-173/ 

Peered Review Article:
This article is about the National birth of Guatemala, This small and beautiful birth  el quetzal is one of the main animals en danger of extinction. In the very old times our ancestors had el quetzal as a simbol of freedom. Also in for our ancestors the Q'uq' (el Quetzal) in many indigenous languages is know as the birth of the life an the birth of the death. Besides all of that I want to ad that there are stories written about this birth.
Quetzal an man in Guatemala. By Graeme Gibson March 9, 1986. New York Times. Available from: http://www.nytimes.com/1986/03/09/books/quetzal-and-man-in-guatemala.html

In conclusion these articles are kind of similar because both talk about eco-turism in Guatemala. Guatemala have many diversity of ecology, but as I find in the peered review article is that the "Guatemala has 660 species of birds" so this make flora and fauna diversity. Why I am interesting on it because where I live wildlife are endangered. I would like to know more about the ecosystem of those kind of species.

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